Commissary Shopper Cover Art Design

Eurpac: Couponing Still Works

Summary & Brief:



Norwalk, CT/ Virginia Beach, VA

Our Scope:

Graphic design services


Provide graphic design services and support to Commissary Shopper, Eurpac's brand. Eurpac was over capacity with a one man operation in their marketing department, and needed support to help with this. Our goal was to provide design services to their coupon book: Commissary shopper, helping to make design tweaks to the monthly editions, internal coupon features, and also, their in store shelf coupons.

Their in-store coupons were a large sales driver for Eurpac, and it was integral to assure that new sets of coupons were designed, printed, and distributed in bulk to on base commissaries when Eurpac was bringing in product, had to sell through in an emergency, or support holiday sales/events. 


For roughly 4 years, made updates to in-store shelf coupons ranging dozens of brands. We would use Adobe Photoshop, and Illustrator, to add brand logos, edit pricing information, and make adjustments to dates/barcodes.

We would update the monthly covers of Commissary Shopper with Adobe tools, change out the covers for different monthly themes, update artwork, titles, copy, and images. We would often interchange brand logo features if there was a business need, or for advertising features. Advertising features was another key element to the design process. Brands would often distribute funds to Eurpac to purchase features in their Commissary Shopper publication which we would then edit to apply to the cover art, or internal pages. In addition to this, we would update details of internal coupon features in ever edition, adding or exchanging brands, pricing discounts, barcodes, images, and text verbiage. 

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