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Markiserv In the Media: 4 Ethical Considerations for Graphic Designers

Markiserv's latest feature was contributing to ethical considerations of graphic designers. This feature came on DevX which is an award winning tech entrepreneur site where trusted experts provide value globally. 

This article: "4 Ethical Considerations for Graphic Designers: Insights and Examples" is a great resource that tackles a topic not normally covered in resources for graphic designers - ethics. 

Our President, Ryan Anderson, was featured in this latest release. His insight is below:

Avoid Spreading Misinformation

Graphic designers should always keep their minds sharp for ethical boundaries when producing content. It is important to understand, which is easy to forget as a designer when you are exposed to this work daily, that your content will be consumed, seen, and engaged with potentially around the world—considering technology today.

One ethical consideration to keep mindful of is spreading unchecked speculative misinformation. This is a problem that is running wild today, and has a high tendency to harm a brand, but even higher to harm your reputation as a graphic designer should such work be traced back to you, even if you were not the one providing direction on said work. It is your responsibility, being in the driver’s seat, to walk away or say no to a project.

To view this full article, visit DevX's site here.

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