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Markiserv in the News: Most Effective Methods for Presenting Design Concepts to Clients

Markiserv made it in another news feature! Our president, Ryan Anderson, was asked what was the most effective method for presenting design concepts to clients. The truth is, this varies extensively depending on the client and circumstance. Graphic design agencies really need to dive into the client and understand their needs before they design an impactful strategy. Here are the 4 more effective methods for presenting design concepts to clients, and the full article.

Ryan's feature is below:

Narrow Down to Three Concepts

Hi there! For us, and personally for myself, I find that it is great to narrow down on a few concepts to present, not too many as too many options become a nightmare. Best rule, keep it simple. After the briefing process is done get three final comps to present to the client. Depending on the relationship some clients prefer something formal like a presentation to walk them through the comps, or others who have less time prefer a simple email or callout in a project management platform to review them. Tailoring the presentation to meet the clients needs works best, but a common element we like to champion is stick to 3 creative concepts for them to review, they can pick which they like best, or incorporate design elements from one into another in their review process. However the golden rule: No one client is the same. Learn how they prefer to ingest concepts first, and tailor your presentation approach to their needs. You can't go wrong this way. If a process requirement is too cumbersome for your team, do not be afraid to highlight that in the discovery process.

You can view more about this article on Gig's Magazine by clicking on the link above.

Other concepts discussed were:

  • Use Bloom and Outlign Platforms
  • Present Concepts with High-Quality Mockups
  • Show a Clear Visual Story

You can learn more about graphic design by visiting an explainer we wrote on the subject here.

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