Graphic Design with a Purpose

The below is a collection of graphic design work we have developed! All from getting to know our clients, and their target markets inside and out!

  • CGA_Associates_Graphic_Design_and_Website_Design_Work

    CGA Advisors: Startup Liftoff

    Building and designing a startup website for law accounting firm CGA Advisors while integrating the frontend site with their custom accounting software.

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  • Visually impaired man walks with a cane outside a corporate park surrounded by trees. He is wearing a blue flannel and khakis. and using a cane. This is meant to showcase Markiservs commitment to accessibility and accessible website design.

    LCI & Walmart: Saving Blind Employment

    Brand modernization of the LCI's product packaging and presentation into Walmart which not only modernized the product, but saved LCI from being dropped from Walmart's planogram and merchandizing program.

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  • This is the homepage for plain clothing store with the word plain in the center next to a woman in a black shirt and a man in a white one. This banner design was made by Markiserv.

    Plain Clothing Store: Year Over Year Growth

    Full website design for this B2C apparel storefront along with: branding, logo design, advertising copy, web content, SEO, and SEM services.

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